Monday, May 7, 2007

What has the “WALL” resulted in?

Some of the most fertile land as well as an important number of water resources in the West Bank have been confiscated. The construction of the wall has already destroyed thousands of olive trees as well as other agricultural resources upon which the Palestinians depend for their livelihood. "Enclosure" is having a devastating effect on Palestinian daily life and commerce at all levels. Farmers are separated from their lands, children are separated from their schools, families are divided, workers can no longer reach their work sites. The Palestinians as well as the Israeli peace movement believe that this "Apartheid Wall" is the beginning of a master plan of economic strangulation in order to force the Palestinians into exile, what is referred to here as "transfer", and the ultimate realization of Eretz Israel. Whether or not transfer is actually accomplished, the "Isolation" of the West Bank will effectively negate any possibility of the creation of a viable Palestinian state, turning it rather into a grouping of disconnected entities resembling open-air prisons surrounded by Israeli checkpoints and Jewish settlements. The apartheid wall is going to cause political, economic and social changes. It is not a temporary measure; it has permanent implications. It forces the Palestinians to pay an incredible price in land, water, economic viability and environmental stability. It isolates them from medical centers, schools, the main water network and telephone services. It gives Israel the opportunity to dominate all the strategic sites of fresh water. It runs the risk of creating a new generation of refugees. It can only undermine the peace process and the Road Map and constitute another barrier in front of the creation of a Palestinian state. References:

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